This group of women are committed to supporting our local community. They come from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds. We are a true “giving circle.” We are member operated and rely on 100+ members to consistently participate to impact our local community. Giving circles have formed all around the world to help make communities stronger in a tangible, visible way. This is a way to make your donations make a larger difference.
Every quarter we will randomly draw 3 previously nominated nonprofits, and each organization will have a chance to share with us a specific need, project or goal. In 1 hour we will share, vote, and donate. Every member or member team is responsible for $100 each quarter.

This giving circle operates on the honor system. We want to stress how important commitments play in the success of this Giving Circle. This is a group commitment, group impact – if you are in, you are in! We want to give as much as possible – TOGETHER. Picking and choosing when to vote and send your donation interferes with how the system works.
When I first heard of this group, was back in 2016 and thought, hmm, is it some super secret high-society club? No! It’s for any and all who would love to support our local community! If you’re interested, keep reading!
Why Join?
You believe women working together can achieve just about anything! You only have a few hours a year to commit to charity work. You want to ensure 100% of your charitable donations go to those in need. You believe there is power in numbers. You want to be part of an extraordinary group of women who make an immediate, direct and positive impact on the Knoxville Community. You’re getting excited, right? Join our giving circle to make a difference!
How does it work? Easy. We meet once a quarter somewhere in the Knoxville area. Here’s all you have to do:
Show up. (Yes, that’s about it!)
Bring a blank check for $100. (You can always give more.)
Listen. A member of each organization will make a 5-minute presentation at the meeting about how our members’ contributions will support their cause. The non-profit organization with the most votes at the meeting receives all the checks, which members will make out at the meeting. What an impact!
Vote. Smile. You just did something pretty powerful and amazing. Repeat. Four times a year, for a total commitment of about four hours. (We told you this was easy!)
Fast. Simple. Effective. Women working together really can do just about anything!
OUR IMPACT SO FAR: Over $170,000!
#1.$8400 : Emergency Online Group Give with 100 Women Middle Tennessee | Regional Wildfire Relief- Dolly Parton’s My People Fund
#2. $13,150 : JUNE ‘16 RECIPIENT : Pond Gap Elementary
#3. $15,100 : AUG ‘16 RECIPIENT : Big Brothers Big Sisters
#4. $15,500 : NOV ‘16 RECIPIENT : H.A.L.T. [Humans and Animals Learning Together]
#5. $15,300 : FEB ‘17 RECIPIENT : Forgotten Initiative
#6. $13,650 : MAY ‘17 RECIPIENT : Samaritan Place
#7. $14,100 : AUG ‘17 RECIPIENT : Street Hope TN
#8. $12,850 : NOV ‘17 RECIPIENT : Restoration House
#9. $10,800 : FEB ‘18 RECIPIENT : Bridge Refugee Services
#10. $14,500 : APR ‘18 RECIPIENT : Interfaith Health Clinic
#11. $13,000 : AUG ‘18 RECIPIENT : Safe Families
#12. $14,500 : NOV ‘18 RECIPIENT : Koinonia Foundation
#13. $11,350 : FEB ‘19 RECIPIENT : Knoxville Pays it Forward
#14. $10,100 : APR ‘19 RECIPIENT : The Muse Knoxville